Monday, June 10, 2013

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Europa fivers: detailed distribution

Here's a detailed map of the weird distribution system ECB has devised for the Europa fivers (you may drag or zoom the map as well as click on the menu items to see all locations where each printer code has been found):

Germany is a very interesting case, having banknotes mainly from France (U) and Spain (V) but also some from Belgium (Z) and Austria (N), both in very speficic paths or locations. In Austria, Italian (S) notes can be found, but only at the ÖNB.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Bancos em Portugal com caixas Multibanco

0007 Novo Banco (ex-BES)

0010 BPI

0018 Santander Totta

0019 BBVA

0022 Banco do Brasil

0023 ActivoBank

0032 Bankinter (ex-Barclays)

0033 Millennium BCP

0035 Caixa Geral de Depósitos

0036 Montepio

0038 Santander (ex-BANIF)

0043 Deutsche Bank

0045 Crédito Agrícola

0046 Banco Popular

0046 CEM

0061 Banco BiG

0079 BIC (ex-BPN)

0099 Caja Duero (ex-Caja España)

0160 Novo Banco dos Açores (ex-BES Açores)

0170 ABANCA (ex-Caixa Galicia)

0193 Banco CTT

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Europa fivers distribution

Here's a map of the weird distribution system ECB has devised for the new Europa-series 5 € banknotes. You may drag or zoom the map as well as use the menu.

Edit: Check the new post with a more detailed map, particularly for Germany regions, which were fed with banknotes from four different printers.